Sunday 3 November 2013

Possible Distributor for our Film

I think our film would be more suited with an independent distribution company, as i think that a smaller company that maybe specializes in our type of film would be able find our target audience, and have a much better idea of the kind of advertising that would be best for our film, whereas a mainstream distribution company may not have the necessary skills to distribute properly such a niche film like ours.

I did some research an I thought that Artisan Entertainment would be a great distributor for our film. First of all, not only have the distributed a huge number of films, the majority of those films have been very niche and designed for a certain audience, just like our film. This means that they will have the right set of skills to make sure that our film is noticed by the right kind of audience. 
One issue that may arise that i found in my research is that Artisan Entertainment is USA based, which means it would be a struggle to reach the company to get them to distribute our film. However, a fair few of the films they have distributed have been worldwide, which means there is still a chance they would take on our film, and they would have the right contacts to be able to give our film the biggest audience possible.

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