Thursday 12 December 2013

Film Log for 04/12/13 Film Day

This is the first day of filming that we have been able to use the footage that we shot. This was the first filming day with the new actors playing the main lead roles.
What we did
  • We intended to film every scene that involved the park so that we were in the same place. We managed to get the first scene fully shot with everything we thought we needed.
  • We took into consideration the shots that we missed out last time we tried to film this scene, as even though it was with different actors the shots that we decided needed to be added will still apply.
What Went Well
  • I (Emily) thought that the filming went incredibly well, and i feel we would have gotten all scenes done if it weren't for the main lead male having to leave earlier than expected.
  • I have recently edited this section of the film and besides a few small parts that need re-filming i think that the scene runs smoothly and i am very happy with the outcome of our first successful filming session.
As I mentioned before, there are a few shots that need to be re-done. There are a few shots at the beginning of the scene that need to be re-shot because the camera was set to manual focus and wasn't checked before we started to film, so that first few shots were out of focus. These scenes were
  1. The shot where Carrie and Jared walk onto scene.
  2. The shot where Carrie sits and Jared grabs her hands. 
  3. The shot where Jared reaches down and kisses Carrie on the forehead, then pulls her up from the bench and sits her on his knee.
There were also a couple of shots that were missed out or done slightly wrong that need changing, and these were
  1. A close up shot of Jared kissing Carrie on the forehead, to emphasise the action.
  2. A close up shpt of Carrie snatching the bottle of vodka out of Jared's hand.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Film Changes

We had trouble with the sound of our original filming as one of our actors was quite quiet so we decided to get new actors to play the main characters.
We decided to ask a black British male to play the main role of Jared in our film as we thought it would add another dimension to the area of representation as we could make it look like we were following a typical stereotype of a black male smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs then at the end we would break it by showing that actually he was a nice guy and Carrie was just hallucinating, we're breaking the typical racial stereotype, like in the film attack the block.
We're making it clear at the end that the stereotype is broken by having a picture on the newspaper of Jared in smart neat clothing and having Carrie's mum  say that Jared was never on drugs and look confused and horrified at Carrie's mention of it.