Thursday 12 September 2013

Film storyline idea 1:

Idea one 'A life for a life':
My first idea for the final choice of film storyline was based on a psychological film genre.
 As I wanted to make my film contain a twist in which would leave the audience reeling.

I Came to the conclusion that my film idea was about a young girl who is diagnosed with schizophrenia this therefore makes her hear strange, uncomfortable voices and hallusinations in her mind, by having this illness it effects her way of thinking and changes her personality completely.

The voice in her head is evil and controlling and is making her do things she wouldn't intend on doing originally, things like harming people and seeing things that aren't there like her dead sister  who in which was murdered in a car crash a few months prior to her diagnosis, Her illness makes her see her dead sister scattered around every time she leaves the house, inparticularly at the place in which she was killed, She tries to ignore her and she knows it couldn't possibly be real. In time she begins to beileve her sister is there, and she can talk to her and she talks back, eventually she runs out of the house to go and see her sister for the daily visit runs across the road and because she is in her hallusinations, she is also run over, and ends up dying as a result.

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