Our film genre is a psychological drama, A psychological movie examines the psychological being of its characters. For example, a psychological crime drama will not only focus on the crimes being committed, but also on why the person is crazy enough to kill. A psychological drama messes with the audience minds, as it looks into the mind sets and thoughts of the characters.
The age rating we have looked into for our film, is a 15. This is because of the use of drugs involved in it. Our overall chosen age range is late teen years to early twenties around 17-25, we have picked this age range due to the fact that as I have just stated there is the use of drugs and it is more likely to be understood by people who have experienced a bad relationship, love and have been through the process of a breakup, and most people between the ages of seventeen and twenty five have, already or are currently involved in a relationship, this is due to the fact that this age of target audience will be more capable of understanding Carrys emotions and feelings throughout her relationship. We also beileve that our five minute film could interest anyone who is interested in psychology, as our film has characters suffering with schzophernia in which she is new to and is experiencing the main stages of it.
The film isn't aimed at a specific religion as nobody in our group has a specific religion or follow any, and nothing within our film occurs or relates to any sort of religion, therefore we are making our film without a religion aimed target audience.
In ethnic background aspect of our film, we have actors of mixed race in our film, making it appealing to all audiences of different ethnical backgrounds and cultures. However, As our film is Northern based, prepared and filmed in South Yorkshire, Barnsley. It will be difficult attracting our target audience from different countys within the UK as all actors will be Northern, in which all contain a Northern accent, Which may only encourage people from around the Northern area and background to watch.
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