Friday 14 March 2014

Film Poster Idea

For the film poster, I wanted to make sure that it involved the people in our film, and that it was understandable, so that once the audience had seen it they would have a rough idea of what the film is about. After trying out a few different images with Carrie and Jared together, I decided this would be the best image to use; I thought this image of the two together would be the best option as it shows the different sides of personality between them, with Carrie smiling, as if she is happy to be in Jared's arms, and then there is Jared, looking into the distance with a sullen look on his face, as if there is some something underneath the happiness. 

After deciding on the image, I had to make sure it was poster-sized, as this is one of the requirements. I also wanted to change the picture slightly, as the original has very bland colors and comes across as dull. So to change this I went to the 'change lighting' section in Photoshop and made all of the highlights a little brighter, and then made the contrast as high as I felt relevant, so that it made Carrie's face quite bright, showing that in this dark story she could be all innocent and angelic, and Jared's face slightly darker, showing that there might be something going on in between the couple.
 After the touches were made on the image, it was time to add text. I already knew the font I was going to use so that was a simple decision, as I thought because the font we have used for the title in our film have worked so well we may as well keep it the same, so for the font we used 'Cambria'. I also thought the color would be okay to keep the same too, because the background is quite dark on the image and the text is so bold it stands out well in white.

 However, to make the text stand out a little more, I copied the layer that involved the title text, turned the text color from white to black, and put it behind the original text, but slightly below and to the side. This gave the effect of a drop shadow giving me the freedom to move it as I wish, and I think this made the font stand out even more above the background.

 Another trick I learnt from the short time I used Photoshop was the ability to make the text I had added to appear as though it was in front of the background in the image, but behind Carrie and Jared. For this I just added the text onto the image so that it was in front of everything, and then used the 'Eraser Tool' to rub out any sections of text that were covering the two faces in the image. This is shown in the two images below close up.


I then wanted to add a sort of tag line to the poster, giving the audience another idea of what the film is about. The tag line I decided on was 'DAZED BY LOVE. DAZED BY DEATH.' I thought this would add some allure to the film, as it gives the impression that there could be death involved with the film, but it makes the audience want to see the film to see what it means.

Another requirement for the poster is the credits, and this is the only change in font that happened on the poster, as the credits at the bottom have to be in the font 'Steel Tongs'. The credits include things such as the director, who stars in the film and who the music is by. It also includes the name of the production company and the distribution company used.
 The next step I thought would be to ass some reviews to the top of the poster, showing that there is some sort of accreditation to our film. this is again in the same font as the rest of the main text.

The final step in creating my poster for our film was to add any symbols that might have been needed to give information to the audience. The first I added was the BBFC registered 15 age rating, as that is needed to make people aware that anyone under 15 would not be able to watch this film. I also added the logos for the production company (which is the logo I created before hand) and the logo for the distribution company (something I decided on in a different blog post).
This is the final Result.


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